Electronic Packaging Design and Post-Silicon Validation

Our expertise goes to the next level, with the design and development of interconnect platforms, system integration, and post-Si validation of ICs and heterogeneous integrated solutions.

PCB and Package Design

Our team is proficient in the design of custom IC packages and PCBs, using a wide variety of packaging technologies and EDA design and simulation tools: Cadence Allegro SPB and APM, Altium Designer, and analysis tools such as Cadence Sigrity, Siemens Hyperlynx, Ansys HFSS/SiWave, Keysight ADS, etc.

System Integration

From a system level specification our team can assist you in developing interconnect platforms considering heterogeneous integration of diverse ASICs, commercial ICs, passives, considering the full design, selection of parts, fabrication and assembly plans, working with external suppliers and vendors, to consolidate a fully functional solution.

System characterization and validation

Our expertise spans test and validation, working with frequency and time domain characterization approaches using diverse instruments such as Spectrum Analyzes, Vector Network Analysis, high/frequency generators and oscilloscopes, BER and jitter analyzers, time domain reflectometry, among others.  We cover from the interconnect and launch access design, calibration, de-embedding, characterization and analysis, incorporating functional, parametric reports, and model-to-hardware correlation studies. 

Sample project

  • IC I/O and package specifications, per pin and interface, PDN requirements: voltage regulation and distribution, form factor and other mechanical and thermal requirements.
  • PCB and/or package design, with built of materials (BoM), prefabrication verifications, performance simulations and DFM guidance.
  • Follow-up and assistance with fabrication and assembly services.
  • Post-fabrication validation and characterization, testbed design, test plan proposal and execution.
  • Model-to-hardware correlation studies.